Southern Appalachian Radio Museum LINKS

Some Radio Museums:

The American Museum of Radio,  Bellingham, WA  a gem

The Hammond Museum of Radio in Guelph, Ontario, Canada

US Marconi Museum   Bedford, NH

The Gray History of Wireless Museum   Cincinnati, OH

The Museum of Radio and Technology   Huntington,  WV

The New England Wireless and Steam Museum   East Greenwich, RI

Radiola Guy         Vintage Radio and TV , take a virtual tour. 

Radio Museum  ,  a treasure!  Enjoy 440,000  pictures and printable schematics in the hundreds of thousands!

The Antique Wireless Association  , (AWA) Bloomfield, NY

Spark Museum    The Collection of John D. Jenkins, a virtual museum including early, early  history and equipment,  

W1TP Telegraph and Scientific Museum Tom Perera,  Photographs of over 1000 keys, related history and more...

The Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada   (SPARC) , near Vancouver, BC, Canada.

The Western Historic Radio Museum, Virginia City, NV 

Various Links to Vintage Wireless Sites in the U.K.

Ron Lawrence's Radio Heaven  A fine web collection - not to be missed.

Sunshine Radio Museum    Interesting !  Once a store, now a museum in

Other Radio-Related Sites:

Conrad's Garage  Listen to our own Harry Mills, K4HU(sk)  in this Joe Richman PBS report.

the Radio Attic     An incredible site - extremely interesting  and well categorized,  visited by hundreds of thousands of people      

Virtual Collins Radio Museum

Edwin H. Armstrong    Don't overlook item 3 near the bottom.

Silver, Sounds and Stuff     Over 1000 pictures,  collections and more

Classic Radio Gallery        

K2TQN's Old Radio Column and Mobile Museum   ....and more!

Documenting Early Radio, Elizabeth McLeod's broadcast research spanning over 20 years.

Antique Radio Classified  .....

The American Radio Relay League

The Philco Repair Bench  by Chuck Schwark

 Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA)

The Radiola Guy       ....just great

Information Age Learning Center   A wealth  of historical information

Phil's Old Radios       A collection of old radios and more


Antique Radio Classified .....a wealth of links alone,  in all categories

Playthings of Past     Parts/things for sale

Just Radios- A source for  schematics and capacitors for vintage radios, U.S and other countries.