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We find that many younger people are not aware of the history of radio– thus presenting a wonderful opportunity to tell them, for example, about the discovery of regeneration by Armstrong, or vacuum tubes.  Many will become our future engineers and technicians if we catch their interest.   

However, in order to properly serve both school and tour groups we cannot now properly accommodate, we need to take a new direction to provide appropriate space for the museum.  Our Board has approved a project for a new home, but we need your help.  Please consider a contribution to our building fund.  In doing so, you will be helping to provide the Southeast with a fine radio museum.  

Your donation will be acknowledged, and we are an IRS-approved non-profit 501(c(3) so your donation will be tax-deductible.  Every dollar is important.

For more information, contact Norman Harrill, Vice-President on or  John Travis, President on .

Note:  If you just wish to make a cash gift or pledge,  you may click on our donation submission form  and indicate your preferences;  your gift will be acknowledged with our thanks !  Cash contributions/membership fees may also be sent directly to Clint Gorman, Sec-Treasurer, 12 Trappers Run Drive,  Asheville, NC 28805.  He is also our Curator and may be reached on .



Gifts to The Southern Appalachian Radio Museum, Inc. (referred to below as the “Museum”) can be made in many  ways which are described below.  You may also designate the purpose of your gift if you wish.

At this time, our top priority is the Building Fund.  Gifts of $500 or more will usually be placed in our Building Fund to provide for the future growth of the Museum. However, you may also designate your gift for our general Operating Fund.  Regardless of the amount, every  gift is  welcome and will be acknowledged in writing.

You may also want to consider making your donation in memory of a friend or relative.  Your donation may be completely private if you wish, or we will send a letter recognizing your gift to a relative. In  any event, we wish to fully  accommodate your desire.

Gifts be made on an Annual or Longer Term (Planned) basis.   Each gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law as the Museum is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 

Our goal is to present you with options and to help you make the best choice possible. Your gift generously expresses your interests; it is our desire to use your gift in the best way possible to preserve the history of radio.


Annual gifts can take many forms.  The purpose of these examples is to provide you with a few of the most common options for your consideration.  Each has tax benefits.

                                                       PLANNED GIVING - EXAMPLES

A Planned Giving program will help you choose from a number of convenient ways to make a gift. A planned gift is one which represents your personal legacy, and for the Museum it is the type of gift that may well assure the future of the museum. 

It can be made during your lifetime, and will continue afterwards.  Special tax and financial benefits can result via your planned gift.  Following are some key options for your consideration.  In all probability, you will find that some special tax and financial benefits will ensue as a result, but please consult your tax advisor for more details.

Planned Gifts can be made in the form of: 

A gift of life insurance may allow you to make a sizable gift at relatively low cost. With this type of gift, a charitable organization is named as an irrevocable beneficiary of your life insurance policy which is then delivered to the organization who has been assigned ownership.  Your life insurance company will advise you further. Gifts of paid-up life insurance policies also provide estate planning possibilities. Also, a non-profit agency such as the Museum may be designated as a secondary or contingent beneficiary of a policy for control of the policy during the donor’s lifetime.

Be sure to consult your plans with your attorney.


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